Preparing a Property for a Loft Conversion

By February 12, 2017Blog

Preparing a property for a loft conversion may seem like something you don’t really need to do at all. After all, your property is going to have a fair bit of work done to it and that will involve some breaking, building a decorating. However, preparing the property is actually something you should seriously consider in advance of any building work, no matter what type of property you live in or own and specifically for loft conversions.

Before any work is undertaken and commenced at all, you will need to have Planning Permission and will have to make sure that the builders will adhere to all Building Regulations. In addition, if you are converting the property from one living space to say a new conversion with a ‘granny flat,’ you will need to consider sound insulation testing to ensure the property complies with Approved Document E of Building Regulations (source: 

Part of the beauty of modern day loft conversions and property work is that unless the work to be carried out is massively obtrusive, you, your family and all of your worldly possessions do not need to move out of the property in question. In fact, many builders, including our experienced team at Premier Lofts do their utmost to ensure maximum comfort and minimum disruption before, during and after the works are carried out, right up until the last lick of paint is applied.



You will ultimately receive a nice clean, new room


What Preparatory Steps Should I Take?

First and foremost, ensure that there is easily available loft access and that any of the items you have left in the loft, you are happy to be disposed of. It makes the job of the tradespeople who will be carrying out the work that bit easier if the loft and its access is kept as clear and accessible as can be, leaving them to carry out the actual work and not spend extra time (and potentially money) clearing out things that you could have done well in advance.

Assess all your Options

Before any work is even planned, have you considered the different options and types of loft conversions that are applicable to you and your property? I

There are so many types of conversions, with some being quite bespoke to specific types of properties such as bungalows, Victorian properties and properties of certain designs. Make sure you have chosen the correct type that best suits you and your property. Furthermore, it always helps if you have considered the finishing touches such as double and triple glazing and the style of décor you prefer. Also, always ensure you have the funds available to pay for the conversion of your choice.

Dust Sheets and Covers

We always keep mess and disruption to an absolute minimum and we will always do our utmost to make sure that you don’t even know we are there. However, inevitably, through the sheer nature of the works there will be a degree of dust and although as part of our service we clean up everything once complete; bringing in a professional company to ensure the job is done, the more care you take, the easier this will all be.

Invest in some dust sheets and plastic covers so that you can cover any items in the house that you would like afforded that extra bit of protection from dust. Such items may include:

  • Material Furniture
  • Electronic Items (televisions, radios and similar)
  • Children’s Toys
  • Carpeted surfaces



We will always leave you with a spotless loft


Will the Water, Electricity and Gas Supplies be affected?

Unlikely. Whilst there will be works carried out to ensure the new conversion is properly supplied with all of the relevant amenities, there should be minimum if any disruption to your water, electricity and gas. If we do need to turn off or affect these, we will always let you know in advance and will keep all disruption to an absolute minimum at all times.

Will my property’s roof be affected?

This all depends on the type of conversion your property is undergoing. Some conversions will affect the roof and other will not. For example, mansard loft conversions (read more) will more than likely entail some restructuring of the roof. However, other smaller conversions can be done within the existing confines and limitations of your property’s roof. At Premier Lofts though, we always talk you through this before we start our work, so be sure to ask.

How Long Will the work Take?

This depends on the loft conversion that is to be carried out. Different types take different amounts of time, with some being able to be completed in as quickly as 4-6 weeks. However, others such as larger and more custom designs and builds can take 2 months or a little longer. However, our project managers always talk you through this before starting and they will make sure to keep you updated with the ongoing progress throughout the project.


Read More:

Popular Types of Loft Conversions

What is Planning Permission?